Prenatal and postnatal massages by Dr. Laxmi

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Massage in pregnancy is safe if done with utmost care and due caution. In some cases, massage in first trimester is not recommended. Overall, leaving a few rare conditions, massage during pregnancy is safe. Post natal massages are also beneficial for after pains and regaining strength.

Prenatal and postnatal massages ensure the following health benefits.

1. Pregnancy massage has both physical and mental benefits. They help to relax both body and mind of the pregnant woman.
2. Body massage helps relaxation and strengthening of muscles, joints and bones. Massage eases the prenatal and postnatal pain experienced by the woman. Having regular massage tones up the body and makes it ready to bear all the pains and strains.
3. Breast massage helps avoid stretch marks and keeps up the breast tone.
4. Calf massage and foot massage helps to induce deep relaxation and avoid cramps and foot pain.
5. Head massage helps in relaxing mind, induces sleep and relieves stress and anxiety.
6. If daily massage is done starting from early days of pregnancy, stretch marks in pregnancy can easily be avoided.

Massage techniques
There are various techniques employed in massaging, before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after delivery. It can be classified into the following 5 categories.

1. Before conception
2. After conception till 3 months (1st trimester)
3. From 4th month to 6th month (2nd trimester)
4. From 6th month to 9th month (3rd trimester)
5. After delivery of fetus or postnatal massage

Abhyanga before conception
The ritual to be followed by husband and wife desirous of a healthy child consists of massage both for the man and woman. It is done like regular Abhyanga, requires no particular caution except that it should be done in a proper manner and is for both men and women. Oils that increase strength (Bala vardhana) like Bala Ashwagandha oil are generally used.

Massage before conception ensures the following health benefit.
Massage if done properly and regularly ensures nourishment of all the dhatus (body tissues) of the body thereby good health of both mother and father which is one of the requirements for a healthy progeny.



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