Myoma – An Ayurvedic Perspective
Myomas are most common
problems in these days. Myomas are the most common tumors found in the genital
tract and affect more than one in four pre-menopausal women. Although the majority
of fibroids remain small and asymptomatic, one third grows considerably in
size, can weigh over 10kg. Incidences of Myoma are not usually found in women
under 30 years old. Uterine fibroids or Myoma are benign tumors that
originate from the smooth muscle layer and accompanying connective tissue of
the uterus. Most fibroids develop in an intramural location (within the
muscular wall of the uterus), but some also develop on the outside or in the
internal cavity of the uterus. Uterine Myoma being the one of most common
benign tumors in women amongst all neoplasms is responsible for a large number
of hysterectomies.
Myoma is a disorder of
Artava vaha srotas (menstrual channels) which occurs due to vitiation of Kapha
dosha, Vata dosha and Rakta dhatu (Blood tissue). There can be Pitta
displacement also. Therefore the treatment is to bring balance of all the three
doshas and Rakta and sufficiently sustained over time to eradicate Kapha.
Uterine Myoma, which is
also called leiomyoma or fibroid of the uterus, can grow on the uterine wall
and push out into the bladder, bowel or intestine. They can also grow within
the uterine wall, or even project from the wall of the uterus on a narrow stalk
into the uterine cavity. Myoma can be as small as a pea or as large as a
football and are almost always benign, no matter how large they get. Having
uterine Myoma does not increase one’s risk of cancer. If a Myoma or
cluster of Myomas is particularly large or is growing on the outside of the
uterine wall, it can sometimes push the uterus aside or force it to grow
abnormally. A uterine growth may also put pressure on the bladder or
intestines. On rare occasions, a large Myoma may block the opening of the
Doshas and the reproductive system
The physiology of the
reproductive system as a whole is governed by pitta and apana vata, yet the
organs themselves are endowed with the qualities of kapha. Kapha is the
growth-promoting (anabolic), structure-forming dosha that generates and
sustains creation. Together with rasa dhatu (plasma tissue) it offers the
nourishment required to rebuild the endometrial lining and has an unctuous
quality that lubricates the uterus and other organs of the reproductive system.
Kapha also offers stability and strength to the uterus, particularly via its
muscle tissue, which maintains uterine shape, tone and power to contract.
Pathogenesis of Myoma
According to Ayurveda, a
uterine fibroid or raktagulma is caused by over-production of improperly formed
kapha and aggravated apana vata (one of the five types of Vata, the seat of
which is the reproductive system and anus) along with vitiated Rakta dhatu
(Blood tissue). Due to excessive mental stress, long-term emotional
suppression, lack of exercise, intake of large quantity of food, consumption of
excessive junk food, red meat, heavy and oily food, wheat, refined sugar and
excess dairy, and suppression of natural urges aggravates the Agni (digestive
fire) gets vitiated and leads to Ama (metabolic toxin) formation and vitiates
kapha dosha. This vitiated kapha gets carried by vata dosha into the
reproductive system where it is unable to conduct its normal physiological
functions. Instead it accumulates, blocks the movement of apana vata in the
Artava vaha srotas (menstrual channels) and gets pushed by vitiated vata into
the muscle tissue of the uterus. As a result, dysfunction of the muscle tissue
develops, leading to abnormal tissue metabolism and growth, i.e. the formation
of one or several deep-seated, expansive and immovable Gulma (myoma / fibroid
Also in present day
scenario, all woman work and usually they don’t have so much of time for their
health. Sometimes due to their inability to follow proper care pertaining to
health because of change in lifestyle is one of the positive factors of Myoma.
Ideal dietary regimen can’t be followed during menstrual period, post natal
period and after abortion. This leads to Uterine fibroid / Myoma which can be
compared to Rakta Gulma as per Ayurveda.
Symptoms of Myoma
The most common symptoms
are weakness, abdominal swelling, bloating and heavy sensations in the lower
abdomen associated with or without pain. In some cases Myomas cause kashtartava
(dysmenorrhoea), katisula (back pain), anapatya (infertility), raktapradara
(includes menorrhagia and inter-menstrual bleeding), shula (abdominal and
pelvic pain or tenderness) and pandu (anaemia).
Ayurvedic approach to the treatment of Myoma
Panchakarma therapy
offers a ray of hope for uterine Myoma, for which no effective medical
treatment is available in modern science. Management of fibroid has become a
global challenge. Treating the physical manifestations involves Ayurvedic
formulations, cleansing treatments, diet and lifestyle changes that will
correct the quantity and quality of the doshas, balance the movement of apana
vata and kindle agni (digestive fire). A lekhana (scraping, clearing) approach
is required to both clear congestion from the digestive tract and channels of
circulation, and to reduce the mass of fibrotic tissue. An effective & safe
treatment of fibroid is a matter of great concern for physicians as well
as surgeons. Ayurvedic treatment is non-invasive and in Ayurveda a large number
of drugs possessing anti neoplastic properties have been mentioned, many
recipes of drugs mentioned in the texts for the management of fibroid.
Combined effects of all
therapies – Abhyanga (Therapeutic body massage), Swedana (Sudation therapy),
Niruha-basti (Therapeutic medicated enema through the anal route),
Anuvasana-basti (Therapeutic oil enema through the anal canal) &
Uttara-basti (Introducing medicated oil
or herbal decoction in intrauterine cavity)
and suitable internal herbs helps in pacifying the vitiation of Dosha
& Dhatu & causing breach in pathogenic process of the disease.
Effect of Uttara-basti (Introducing medicated oil or herbal decoction in intrauterine cavity) in
Garbhashaya (Uterus)
The medicated herbs
administered in Uttara basti through the intrauterine route, enter the
artavavaha strotas (menstrual channels) & causes pacification of doshas. Uttara-basti stimulates
the organs & also increases the blood supply, which favors absorption of
drugs & excretion of waste products. The vaginal passage
& uterus are also purified & mollified by Uttara-basti with
medicated herbs, helps to revitalize the hormonal system, giving youthfulness
& stamina to the body. Uttara-basti also gives vibrant energy to
the female organs.
Thus non invasive
treatments are available in Ayurveda for the management of Myoma / Uterine
fibroid. In present world everyone
is just running in Rat race which
is an endless run and we are exhausted and we forget about following a regular
routine. Avoiding physical and mental over strain, adopting suitable diet
regimen and lifestyle in spite of our busy schedule reduces the risk of Myoma
and helps in effective management.
Ayurveda Clinic & Research Center,
Chakrapani Global Center for Training & Research in Ayurveda
8, Diamond hill, Behind Birla Temple, Tulsi circle, Shanti path,
Jaipur-302004, India.
Telefax : +91-141-2624003
Phone: +91-141-2620746
Chakrapani Global Center for Training & Research in Ayurveda
8, Diamond hill, Behind Birla Temple, Tulsi circle, Shanti path,
Jaipur-302004, India.
Telefax : +91-141-2624003
Phone: +91-141-2620746
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