Myoma – An Ayurvedic Perspective
Myomas are most common problems in these days. Myomas are the most common tumors found in the genital tract and affect more than one in four pre-menopausal women. Although the majority of fibroids remain small and asymptomatic, one third grows considerably in size, can weigh over 10kg. Incidences of Myoma are not usually found in women under 30 years old. Uterine fibroids or Myoma are benign tumors that originate from the smooth muscle layer and accompanying connective tissue of the uterus. Most fibroids develop in an intramural location (within the muscular wall of the uterus), but some also develop on the outside or in the internal cavity of the uterus. Uterine Myoma being the one of most common benign tumors in women amongst all neoplasms is responsible for a large number of hysterectomies. Myoma is a disorder of Artava vaha srotas (menstrual channels) which occurs due to vitiation of Kapha dosha, Vata dosha and Rakta dhatu (Blood tissue). There can be Pitta displace...