Simple tips for winter

  • During winter, as the night time is longer, stomach be kept full in night with such solids which are easily digestible and of high caloric value.

  • Turn even more exclusively toward warming foods. Remember the principle that foods taking longer to grow are generally more warming than foods that grow quickly. All of the animal foods fall into the warming category. So do most of the root vegetables, including carrot, potato, onions and garlic. Eggs also fit in here, as do corn and nuts.

  • Food substances like jaggery, ghee, sesame oil and spice namely, fenugreek, ginger, cumin, and asafetida should be used for cooking.

  • Try to eat freshly prepared warm meals.
  • Since we don’t feel thirsty in winters, many don’t drink sufficient water. Make sure that you drink 10 – 12 glasses of water throughout the day. Preferably drink warm water boiled with little ginger.
  • Regular exercise should be done especially during winters.
  • Sleeping during the day is not advisable.
  • Skin should be massaged with sesame oil daily. Sesame oil should be applied well in the heels of the feet to prevent cracks. Sesame oil pacifies Vata and hence will reduce generalized pains that occur during winters.
  • Self massage of scalp should be done every alternate day with herbal hair oil.


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