Wonders of Fenugreek

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Fenugreek is a very warming seed that benefits kapha and vata dosha and is used to treat constipation, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity. They have a strong aroma and are pungent. But when used in small quantities they impart flavour to your food and are nourishing.

Energetics of Fenugreek seeds

Rasa (Taste) – Katu (Pungent)
Guna (Properties) – Laghu (Light), Snigdha (Unctuous)

 Virya (Potency) – Ushna (Hot)
 Vipaka (Post digestive effect) – Katu (Pungent)
Dosha karma (Action on doshas) – Mitigates Vata and Kapha dosha, Aggravates Pitta dosha
Karma (Actions) – It is an appetizer and is anti inflammatory, lipid modulator, etc.

Internal Uses

1. Its seeds are a digestive aid and they increase appetite and relieve flatulence. Hence they can be added in diet. One teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in your food can be an effective remedy for acid reflux or heartburn.
2. As an adjunct, 1 tsp of seeds can be daily consumed to get rid of excessive fats in obesity.
3. It is a potent lipid modulator. The seed powder can be taken with warm water daily.
4. In diabetes mellitus, it is used as one of the best adjuvant.
The medic
ated milk prepared from its seeds augments the breast milk in nursing mothers.
6. Fenugreek laddus or balls are made by roasting the seeds in ghee and adding sugar to it. This can be given to nursing mothers since it is an effective galactogogue and also helps in involution of uterus.

External Uses

1. The poultice of its seed powder relieves pain and swelling in rheumatic joints.
2. The paste of its seeds mixed with honey is applied to the face. It prevents pimples, blackheads, wrinkles and imparts soothing.
2 tbsp of seeds powdered and soaked overnight
, used as a hair wash next morning, makes the hair silky and lustrous.
4. The same preparation applied as a paste to the scalp mitigates dandruff.
5. A paste of fresh fenugreek leaves applied over the scalp regularly before washing the hair, also cures dandruff.
6. Gargle with an infusion of its leaves heals the mouth ulcers and cures sore throat.
7. Fenugreek tea alleviates the bad breath (halitosis) and even bad body odor.


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