Anaemia is a condition in which the number of red blood corpuscles or their oxygen carrying capacity is insufficient to meet physiological need of body which vary by age, sex, altitude, smoking and pregnancy status.
Iron deficiency is thought to be the most common cause of anemia globally, although other condition such as folate, vitamin B12 deficiency, chronic inflammation, parasitic infection and inherited disorders can all cause anaemia. Anaemia is not a disease, it is a symptom which denotes manifestation of some disease or malfunction somewhere in body. Symptoms referable to anaemia are tiredness, breathlessness, pale skin.
ANAEMIA in ayurveda is known as PANDU ROGA.
In Sanskrit pandu word means pale or swetapeet varna. So the disease in which, due to rakta alpata whole body becomes pale (skin, nails, eyes) is called panduroga.
Causes of Pandu Roga are related to diet, daily regimen and nidanarthkar vyadhi (Diseases that leads to Pandu roga). Here is the detailed ayurvedic classification and treatment of anaemia (PANDU).
1. Pandu roga caused by vata
2. Pandu roga caused by pitta
3. Pandu roga caused by Kapha
4. Pandu roga caused by the simultaneous aggravation of all the three doshas ( Sannipatik)
5.Pandu roga caused by eating clay (Mrtika bhakshan janya pandu roga)
PATHOGENESIS IN GENERAL (According to ayurveda)
In anaemia the pitta dosha get vitiated and pitta is the causative factor for the color of the skin hence the skin become pale. Due to regular use of pitta aggravating factors, the saadhak pitta found in heart gets aggravated and it is then forced by vata to whole body causing various symptoms of anemia.
Pitta gets aggravated by the following factors
1. Excessive intake of alkaline, sour, hot, saline and mutually contradictory food. Unwholesome food, til oil, black gram etc.
2. Sleeping during daytime.
3. Exercise as well as sexual intercourse before food gets digested properly.
4. Improper administration of panchakarma therapies and improper seasonal regimen.
5. Suppression of natural urges.
Samprapti (The Progressive Stages of disease)
1.Practicing pitta aggravating factors.
2.Predominantly pitta and all doshas get aggravated.
3.And produce Raktadusti, rakta alpata and nisaarta(blood affliction, decreased amount)
4.Hence Skin becomes pale/yellowish/whitish in color which is the sign of Pandu roga.
Poorvarupa (Premonitory sign and symptoms)
1. Palpitation
2. Loss of appetite
3. Absence of sweating
4. Fatigue
Roopa (Sign and symptoms of Pandu roga in general)
1. Tinnitus
2.General weakness and debility
3. Fatigue, giddiness, body pain, dyspnoea, heaviness, anorexia.
4.Swelling of orbital region.
5.Paleness, loss of body lustre
6.Brittle nails
7.Falling of body hairs.
8.Behavioral changes like irritation, getting angry often, speaking less, etc.
9.Always feels sleepy
10.Cramps in calf region
Line of Treatment of Pandu roga
The patient suffering from pandu roga should be given emetic and purgation therapies with unctuous and sharp drugs for the cleansing of the body (to eliminate doshas). After the gastro-intestinal tract is cleansed by the above therapies, the patient should be given wholesome food containing old shaali type rice, barley and wheat mixed with vegetable soup and meat soup. After this, on the basis of aggravated doshas specific medicines are administered.
Emetic therapy helps in removal of doshas through upward tract and purgation helps in their removal through downward tract.
Vataja Pandu roga – Therapy should be dominated by unctuous drug
Pittaja Pandu roga – Use bitter and cooling drugs
Kaphaja Pandu roga – Use pungent, bitter and hot drugs
Sannipatik Pandu roga - Use mixture of above drugs
Mritika bhakshan janya Pandu roga – Emetic and purgation therapy with unctuous and sharp drugs are used for the cleansing of body.
Medicine for Pandu roga
Gomutra (Cow’s Urine) mixed with Godugdh/Triphala decoction.
Gomutra Haritaki.
Navaysa churna (Powder).
Mandur bhasma yoga
Mandur vataka
Punarnava Mandoor.
Yograj Rasa
Shilajit vatak
Dhatri arishta, dhatri avaleh
For drinking or for preparing food medicated water prepared from Shaliparni, Prashniparni, Choti Badi kateri and Gokshur should be used.
Vaidya Fiyonika Mehta Porwal is part of Chakrapani team. She has completed B.A.M.S. from Government Ayurvedic College, Gwalior. She can be contacted at