Interesting facts about milk and milk products - By Vaidya Swati Ambulkar M.D.
The consumption of milk and milk products is not hazardous until they are consumed in a limit. But certain wrong myths misguide us and we ignore the fact that the body is made up of the food we take, and imbalanced food intake will definitely do harm to the body. There is no magic pill in the world which can heal everything, irrespective of the cause of the disease. At last we have to accept the truth and give up the cause, for curing and avoiding the disease. Here are some interesting facts about milk and milk products which are mostly ignored in daily life as well as in patient care. So don’t get surprised if some of the facts are quite different from what you thought.
It nourishes the body, helps to gain weight and increases appetite.
In the after noon
It gives strength to the body, pacifies kapha and pitta, increases appetite.
Salubrious, balances all doshas, beneficial for eyes. But one should not drink milk just after meals , as it increases kapha. It should be taken after light meals keeping a gap of 1 & ½ hr after meals and ½ hr before sleep. It can be even taken without eating anything as much as desired at night.
In conditions of newly acquired fevers and initial stages of every disease, i.e. Aama*
Curd is prepared directly from milk by fermentation at home. It is of five types depending on taste and stages of fermentation. It is usually taken as a dessert in meals. It is not flavored and is less acidic than yoghurt.
Curd is Abhishayandi, hot in potency, ignites digestive fire , unctuous, with mild astringent taste. It produces sour post digestive effect, hence increases pitta and kapha. It produces skin diseases and blood related disorders. It may produce swelling in the body, increases fat in the body. But as it is hot in potency it is useful in cold, rhinitis, chronic fever and diarrheas, lack of taste in mouth and anorexia.
1. Partially fermented- Almost like milk, partially fermented. It creates imbalance of all three dosha and burning in the body.
2. Sweet - Very thick, sweet in taste with no or mild sour taste. This type of curd is heavy to digest, increases kapha and meda(fat), vata pacifier.
3. Sweet-sour- Thick, Sweet, sour and astringent taste in the end, properties similar to curd mentioned above.
4. Sour- curd with mild sweet taste, It enhances digestive power, increases pitta and kapha. Produces diseases of skin and blood.
5. Very sour- Very sour in taste to produces sourness and sensitivity in teeth. Produces skin and blood diseases, burning sensation. Increases vata and pitta dosha.
It is preferable to have curd prepared from cow milk over buffalo milk. If available, curd prepared form goat milk is best.
Curd can be taken in the night with sugar or moong dal or Amla or honey. Curd should not be heated before consumption.
Curd should be avoided in newly acquired fever, Aama conditions skin diseases, bleeding disorders, in the night and spring season.
Properties of Curd water or Mastu
It is prepared by culture method using 1 or 2 bacteria species, by fermenting milk lactose into lactic acid. It gives extra tang and sourness to it. It is gel or liquid, may contain added flavors. It is more acidic in taste than curd.
Buttermilk forms an inevitable part of food in India. Ayurveda promotes use of buttermilk in many grave diseases of digestive system like chronic gastro-intestinal diseases, non bleeding chronic hemorrhoids, ascites etc. Buttermilk is said to be nectar for humans in Charaka Samhita. It maintains intestinal flora and promotes the active digestion of food by stomach and intestines.
Especially in chronic fevers like typhoid, chronic dysentery where constant anti-biotic drug abuse destroys natural flora and strength of gastro-intestinal system.
1. Ghol (Lassi with cream)- It is prepared by churning curd without separating its cream and without adding water. It is refreshing, pacifies pitta and vata and heavy to digest. It should not be taken by obese person and people suffering from diseases of kapha
2. Mathit (Mattha)- It is residual liquid left after churning and removing the butter. It pacifies pitta and kapha
3. Takra - It is prepared by adding quarter part water to curd. It is light and astringent. It improves appetite and being hot in potency it also pacifies vata. It is highly recommended for chronic gastro-intestinal problems. It should be avoided in summer season, person with pitta aggravation and bleeding disorders.
4. Udashvita - It is prepared by adding half part of water to curd. It is specifically recommended for digestion of Aama i.e. undigested food juice harmful to health or toxins releases from undigested food. It also provides strength
5. Chhachika or Chhachh - It is prepared by churning the curd and removing butter from it. 2-3 times of water is added to it. This is called Chhach, which is popular drink in summer season. It is refreshing, cold and satisfies thirst. It pacifies vata and removes fatigue.
In pitta aggravation, bleeding disorders, summer season and autumn season. Chhach can be taken in summers.
Do not take old butter, refrigerated for a long time, which is sour, bitter, alkaline in taste, intake of such butter causes kapha aggravation, skin diseases, and obesity.
Avoid butter in obesity, atherosclerosis, cardiac disorders and diabetes.
• Preservative: Ghee does not spoil easily, and actually preserves the original freshness and potency of herbs and foods. It does not need refrigeration.
• Digestion: The ayurvedic texts say that Ghee helps balance excess stomach acid, and helps maintain/repair the mucus lining of the stomach.
• Mild Burns: Like aloe, Ghee is said to prevent blisters and scarring if applied quickly to affected skin.
• Mind: Ghee is said to promote all three aspects of mental functioning - learning, memory and recall.
• Ayurvedic Balance: Ghee balances both Vata (the ayurvedic mind/body operator that controls movement in mind and body) and Pitta (the operator that controls heat and metabolism).
Ghee has been given the cherished title of “Rasayana” in ayurveda - pre-eminent herbs and foods that help overall health, longevity and well-being.
Person with less or diminished digestive capacity, recent and acute infections, very obese, very weak, diarrhea, diseases of digestive system, diseases of Aama, diseases of kapha and throat, alcoholic disorders.
By Vaidya Swati Ambulkar M.D.
Optionally, you can always conduct a blood test that revealed the presence of toxins in your body.
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