Skin care in winters by Dr. Sijay Dev

Skin is the largest organ in the body and is the outer covering of the body that bears the external environment, and feels the sensation of the body. In summers the body gets subjected to heat as result get sunburns, and sweats as a result gets dehydrated. As a result the skin requires nourishment and rejuvenation in the winter. Though felt good in beginning, winter when it takes its true impact it again dries our skin and makes it scaly. Humidity also gets reduced too the least in some areas that it cracks our heels and chaps our lips. Most of us buys a heater and switch it on in room to keep ourselves warm but unfortunately that again worsens the condition. When the heater is switched on it takes in the remaining traces of moisture left in our skin and further dries up our skin. This skin which is cracked, chapped, and dry skin then becomes a portal of skin infections. So the skin has to be rejuvenated and care should be taken to nourish the skin to make it soft, smooth, moist and supple.


In Ayurved a year is having two solstices called as aadana kala (sun solstice) and visarga kala (moon solstice). The two solstices are based upon the Mother Nature's impact. In aadana kala the sun is very powerful and absorbs the nutrients and moisture.


While in visarga kala moon is powerful and it gives back the nutrients and moisture. Even the digestive fire is stronger in visarga kala and weaker in the aadana kala. In winter season the body has stronger digestive fire and our body has a counter mechanism to maintain warmth within the body and skin being the barrier to the environment which is colder outside. For the working of this mechanism our body requires more energy. More energy means more food that is why in winter one is hungrier than in summer. When one doesn't take sufficient food required by the body then it depletes the nutritive source in the body leading to vata dosha vitiation causing coldness, dryness and roughness. Henceforth the skin that has to be taken care of gets diseased in this season. But some places just taking the amount of food needed alone seems to be ineffective owing to the dryness and sub zero temperatures.


So to tackle such extremes this time we have come up with simple home remedial measures and few dietary and daily regimens that has to be followed. The skin appears lack of luster looses its brightness, there is redness of skin, and skin becomes dry and tight. Patient gets dry and even wrinkled skin at the early ages if not taken care.


Do's and Don'ts


• Bath should be in lukewarm water, because hot showers in winter feels good but there's nothing like it that can remove natural oil and sebum from the skin. 2 drops of olive oil can be added to water to induce mild moisture to the water. Not more than 3 minutes should be taken to bath. The sebum is produced from the microscopic glands - sebaceous glands. Sebum is a secretion, an oily/waxy matter, to lubricate the skin and hair of mammals. In humans, they are found in greatest abundance on the face and scalp, though they are distributed throughout all skin sites except the palms and soles. 

• Scrub: The purpose of using scrubbers is to remove the dead skin and to remove the cosmetics that remain after cleaning with water. So a good scrubber should have exfoliated ingredients too. Beware of face packs though they claim to remove dead skin but it also rips off the live skin too. 1 tbsp sea salt in warm water and can keep legs dipped in can remove the dead skin. 

• Moisturizer: Recommended to apply 4 times a day. When applied immediately after bath it helps in trapping moisture more. Oil based moisturizers are good as the oil in general are warm. Almond oil, green tea oil and Shea butter are a few good moisturizers. Massage using rose water and glycerin twice a week as it can tone your skin and draws moisture. One should use petroleum jelly to moisturize the parts with hard sin areas like heel, soles and palm. 

• Water intake: In winter generally one does not get thirsty as he gets in summer season. So that also becomes one among the ingredients to dry skin. Normally an individual should take 8 - 10 glasses of water to keep his skin soft and supple. 

• Diet: Should include almonds that moisturizes body both external and internally. Should use nuts, legumes, eggs, soya, rice, carrots and fishes. It is said fish eaters have good skin as fish is a good source of Omega fatty acids.

 • Sleep should be 7-8 hrs would be mandatory for a healthy skin.



  • 1 tsp of lemon and avocado is mixed well and applied is good for dry skin. 
  • Half tbsp of honey when mixed with 1 tbsp of rose water applied and washed on just before drying can tone ones skin. 
  • 1 egg yolk, half tsp of milk powder, and honey is good for dry skin and it has to be applied for 10 to 15 minutes and washed with cold water.
  • Cucumber and cream of milk when mixed and applied is good for dry skin in winters.



I really appreciate the use of ayurvedic medicines for curing the diseases beacause they really have very less side effects on the body.
Thanks for the post and really got some good tips from the blog.

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