Ayurveda & Anemia
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In each edition, you will find exclusive articles written by renowned physician about how to stay healthy.
According to Ayurveda Anemia is known as Pandu roga. In anemia the pitta dosha gets vitiated and pitta is the causative factor for the color of skin hence in anemia the skin becomes pale. Due to regular consumption of pitta aggravating diet the Saadhak pitta found in heart gets aggravated and it is then forced by vata to whole body causing various symptoms of anemia.
Anemia can be a serious illness if left untreated. Anemia is generally diagnosed when the symptoms get worst. It is therefore important to consume a balanced diet esp. rich in iron. However there are other causes too which cause anemia which should be treated accordingly. The Ayurveda Newsletter is free--so go ahead.
Dr. Rajesh Kotecha 'Vaidya', M.D. (Ayurveda)
Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic and
Dear Rajeshji,
We have safely returned back to US and our routines.
It was a pleasure meeting you and your family. Thank you for taking time to show me your facility. It is not doubt the most advanced, and state-of-the-art ayurvedic facility. Your tour was very informative and I think the work you are doing is of great quality and a service to mankind. The medicines available from Garry-n-sun in the
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With Regards and Best Wishes,
Dr. Peeyush Bhargava MD
Dr. Rajesh Kotecha, M.D. (Ayurveda), Director of Chakrapani Ayurveda, India will be visiting
His tentative program for the lectures, workshops, personal consultations and Panchakarma at different places of West coast and Mid-West,
Sep 25 till Sep 29 2009- Garry & Sun LLC, contact Gary/Karen- 775 826 6004 or toll free 1 888 98 HERBS (43727)
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Oct 05 2009 - Oct 07 2009- Hay Market Pilates & Yoga Center,
Oct 08 2009 till Oct 10 2009 - Healing Massage by Gina at
Ayurveda & Anemia
Anemia is a disease characterised by the deficiency in the quality or quantity of one's blood. It is generally a Pitta (fire) derangement. The refined eye of Ayurveda also notes that anemia, like most imbalances, can be caused by any of the three doshas. Vata anemia is caused due to deficiency and/or malnourishment; Kapha anemia is caused partly by excess weight, congestion and edema.
You can determine whether you have anemia by several factors, pale or lifelessness, low energy, low grade fever or burning sensation, irregular elimination or yellowish and scanty urine, indigestion, vertigo, fainting, fatigue, and women may notice a pale or scanty menstrual flow, or no flow at all., the inner part of the lower eyelid will have no redness to it and if you squeeze your hand into a fist for a few seconds and release, the blood will take a long time to return to the palm.
There are many causes for anemia, related to both diet and lifestyle. Excess hot, sour and salty foods, and alcohol derange the blood. Malnutrition is another cause. A traumatic injury, pregnancy, excess menstruation or bleeding condition, febrile diseases, liver disorders and excess sexual indulgence can derange the kidneys, blood and ojas creating an anemic situation. A women should take blood enriching herbs immediately after her menstrual cycle.In children the main cause of anemia is due to habit of eating soil.
Soil can vitiate any one or two or all the three humors depending upon its taste - astringent soil vitiating Vata, alkaline soil vitiating Pitta, sweet soil vitiating Kapha.
Besides vitiating humors, soil gets stuck in gut and interferes with absorption. There are added dangers for infection and worm infestation.
GENERAL BLOOD BUILDERS: Organic milk from free range cows (boiled), black sesame seeds,pomegranate or black grape juice, molasses, sucanat (whole cane sugar) are all good food items. Vitamin C in the body helps in the better absorption of iron and by mixing the diet with a good amount of fruits with vitamin c on an everyday basis helps to improve the anemic condition.Iron supplements, vitamin A & E are useful only if taken with ginger or cinnamon to help assimilate the mineral. Chyavan prash, 2-3 tsp. twice daily with the warm milk are also useful suggestions. A mild laxative is suggested to regulate the bowels, helping drain the excess bile from the liver; aloe vera gel and triphala are the gentlest treatments.
GENERAL HERBAL THERAPY: In addition to aloe and triphala, saffron, shatavari, manjishtha and punarnava are the main treatments.
GENERAL GEM THERAPY: Red coral (or any red stones like garnet or ruby) improve blood circulation, particularly for Vata and Kapha doshas.
SPECIFIC TREATMENTS: Each constitution or dosha is suggested to follow their food guidelines.
MEAT: Ayurveda suggests using meat only as a medicine since meat does not actually rebuild and regenerate the cells and tissues. In the case of extreme weakness, such as advanced cases of anemia, red meat (or its substitutes like liver pills) and bone soups are useful to take until the anemia is treated.
This article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe. It in no way is intended to substitute for care from duly licensed health professionals.
Swami Sadashiva Tirtha, D.Sc., may be contacted through the International Vedic Institute -
The views as expressed in the article are of the author's and we have not changed anything following our policy of democratic behavior in all our work. It is possible that some of the readers do not agree on all the views of author.
Ashtanga Hrudaya Sathram (symposium)
Vagbhata Sarai, an NGO has been functioning from last two decades and it focuses on the holistic development of the Āyurvedic studies and practice. It has been conducting a series of Camps, Workshops and Programmes at Academic and Community level on a very regular basis. They are organizing a one week long symposium named Ashtanga Hrudaya Sathram from 13-12-09 to 20-12-09 in Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu. Interested readers may kindly visit www.vagbhatasarani.org or contact at
Email: vagbhatasarani@gmail.com vagbhatasarani@gmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it www.vagbhatasarani.org
Tel: +91 9349507287, 9447329084, 9447091459.
Dhatri lauh tablet : It is very good for peptic ulcer syndrome, pain in abdomen, hyper acidity, anemia and Pitta imbalances. It is also useful as a regular supplement after the first trimester of pregnancy and lactating mothers.
Triphala : Triphala is a combination of the dried fruits of Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, and Emblica officinalis in equal proportions. These are popularly known in
Manjishtha : Though manjishtha is at the same time bitter, astringent and sweet in taste and heavy, dry and hot in effect, it is a pacifier of kapha and pitta. Besides the glucosides known as manjisthin and purpurine, its chemical composition consists of various other components, which include resins, lime salts and colouring agents. Manjishtha is used in a number of diseases. It is a drug of choice for treating various systemic problems like raised uric acid and gouty arthritis, glandular swellings, recurrent skin infections and other diseases of the skin like pigmentation anomalies and leucoderma. It is also included in various formulations to treat uterine and urinary infections, diarrhoea, dysentery and chronic fevers. Manjishtha holds the reputation of a very good skincare herb. Used externally and internally, it helps one to gain lustre and glow (of the skin) and aids to remove pimples, freckles and discoloration.
Punarnava : Punarnava helps maintain efficient kidney and urinary functions with its diuretic, laxative, stomachic, diaphoretic, anthelminthic anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory action.
Chyavanaprash : Chyavanprash is a comprehensive herbal tonic with multiple health benefits, prepared according to an ancient Ayurvedic formula. Used by people all over the world today, it is a proven energizer, immunity booster and pre-emptive tonic.
For more details on these products please visit http://chakrapaniayurveda.com
8 ayurvedic formulations identified for 8 disease conditions under Golden Triangle scheme
Thursday, September 03, 2009 08:00 IST
As many as 38 ayurvedic formulations have been identified for eight disease conditions and 20 of them have been provided to CSIR for pre-clinical studies so far under the Golden Triangle Partnership scheme set up for validation of traditional ayurvedic drugs and development of new drugs.
The CSIR has submitted the status report of 10 formulations. They are tagradi kwatha (insomnia), medhya (ADHD), ashwagandha churna (anxiety neurosis), haritkyadi churna (dyslipidemia), GTP-HN-1 (hyper tension), brahmi ghrita (ADHD), gokshuradi guggulu (BPH), lakshadi guggulu (osteoporosis), nirgundi tail (joint disorders) and singhanada guggulu (joint disorders).The pre-clinical studies of all other formulations were under progress in different institutions now, sources in the Ayush department said.
The scheme was set up as an integrated technology mission for scientific validation of traditional medicines for identified disease conditions for which the apex organizations like Department of Ayush, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, CSIR and ICMR have joined hands. The objective of the scheme is to bring safe, effective and standard Ayurveda, Siddha, Homoeopathy and Unani products and develop new drugs of national and global importance. The apex bodies also collaborate with other institutions and companies with this purpose.
"The project is going well and more new collaborations are in the offing. The idea is to bridge the gap between modern medicine and traditional medicine so that
The CCRAS has also collected the inputs for protocols of different diseases and submitted to the ICMR for further revision. The draft protocols of hypertension, dyslipidemia, HIV/AIDS, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis were thus given to the ICMR.
Source: http://www.pharmabiz.com
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