Ayurveda & Anemia
Dear Readers, In each edition, you will find exclusive articles written by renowned physician about how to stay healthy. According to Ayurveda Anemia is known as Pandu roga. In anemia the pitta dosha gets vitiated and pitta is the causative factor for the color of skin hence in anemia the skin becomes pale. Due to regular consumption of pitta aggravating diet the Saadhak pitta found in heart gets aggravated and it is then forced by vata to whole body causing various symptoms of anemia. Anemia can be a serious illness if left untreated. Anemia is generally diagnosed when the symptoms get worst. It is therefore important to consume a balanced diet esp. rich in iron. However there are other causes too which cause anemia which should be treated accordingly. The Ayurveda Newsletter is free--so go ahead. Dr. Rajesh Kotecha 'Vaidya', M.D. (Ayurveda) Director, Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic and Research Center TESTIMONIAL ...