
Showing posts from 2009


FROM THE DESK OF DR.KOTECHA   Dear Readers,   This edition of our Newsletter describes the "Importance of Ahara (food) in our life" written by Dr. Mita Kotecha.   Ayurveda advocates to take care for the  tripods (Traya Upasthambha): That is Aahara (food & nutrition), Nidra (sleep) and Brhimhacharya (regulated sex behavior).   Depending on the three Gunas, the food is classified into  three types of food - Satwic food, Rajasic food and Tamsik food.   In Ayurveda, Food is considered as a sacred thing and so we try our best to make eating a form of meditation (to eat in peacefulness and with awareness) and Sadhana (taking ordinary activity and approaching it with spiritual awareness).   Regarding diet Ayurveda says: if a person wishes to be healthy and fit with Oja and glamor than he should use qualitative food but less in quantity. "HITAM ASHNIYAT, MITAM ASHNIYAT.   We heartily welcome your suggestion on ...

Ayurveda & Anemia

Dear Readers,   In each edition, you will find exclusive articles written by renowned physician about how to stay healthy.   According to Ayurveda Anemia is known as Pandu roga. In anemia the pitta dosha gets vitiated and pitta is the causative  factor for the color of skin hence in anemia the skin becomes pale. Due to regular consumption of  pitta aggravating diet the  Saadhak pitta found in heart  gets aggravated and it is then forced by vata to whole body causing various symptoms of anemia.   Anemia can be a serious illness if left untreated. Anemia is generally diagnosed when the symptoms get worst. It is therefore important to consume a balanced diet esp. rich in iron. However there are other causes too which cause anemia which should be treated accordingly. The Ayurveda Newsletter is free--so go ahead.   Dr. Rajesh Kotecha 'Vaidya', M.D. (Ayurveda) Director, Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic and Research Center TESTIMONIAL ...


Dear Readers, Whole world is facing a pandemic of Swine Flu. All health agencies are  gearing up their energies to fight with this situation in every countries. The question is, what Ayurveda approach should be about Swine Flu? We have an article from Dr. Modha and Dr. Mrs. Modha  covering this and also a news release about how Tulasi can help in prevention of Swine Flu. Enjoy reading this and kindly do not forget to send us your valuable feedback. This special issue of AyurvedaNews  on Swine Flu is also an outcome of feed back received from few of our valuable readers. Best regards and Namaste! Rajesh Kotecha 'Vaidya' Director Chakrapani Ayurveda Dr. Kotecha's Visit to USA Dr. Rajesh Kotecha, M.D. (Ayurveda), Director of Chakrapani Ayurveda, India will be visiting USA from 25th September to 9th October, 2009. He is again invited to the USA to give lectures, Panchakarma therapy, consultations and conduct workshops. ...