FROM THE DESK OF DR.KOTECHA Dear Readers, This edition of our Newsletter describes the "Importance of Ahara (food) in our life" written by Dr. Mita Kotecha. Ayurveda advocates to take care for the tripods (Traya Upasthambha): That is Aahara (food & nutrition), Nidra (sleep) and Brhimhacharya (regulated sex behavior). Depending on the three Gunas, the food is classified into three types of food - Satwic food, Rajasic food and Tamsik food. In Ayurveda, Food is considered as a sacred thing and so we try our best to make eating a form of meditation (to eat in peacefulness and with awareness) and Sadhana (taking ordinary activity and approaching it with spiritual awareness). Regarding diet Ayurveda says: if a person wishes to be healthy and fit with Oja and glamor than he should use qualitative food but less in quantity. "HITAM ASHNIYAT, MITAM ASHNIYAT. We heartily welcome your suggestion on ...