STHAULYA (Obesity) in Ayurveda Part - I
STHAULYA (Obesity) in Ayurveda Part I
Obesity has been described by the term Sthaulya Roga in various Ayurvedic classics. According to Ayurveda, Obesity is the excess amount of body fat. In this way excess weight of muscles, bone, fat and water in the body can be labelled as Obesity, is also known as Overweight. Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissues of the body, is increased to a point where it is associated with certain health conditions or increased mortality. Obesity is both an individual clinical condition and is increasingly viewed as a serious public health problem. Obesity contributes too much morbidities in the population and it is known as causative or precipitating factor for various killer ailments like diabetes, hypertension, joint disorders, Breast, Prostrate and Colon Cancers, Respiratory problems, Stroke, Heart diseases like IHD / CAD etc.]
Ayurveda included Atisthula (obese or overweight) person in Ashta Nindatiya Purushas (eight despised or undesirable physiques). These eight despised persons are-
Atideergha (very tall)
Atihriswa (very short stature)
Atigaura (very fair coloured or complexion)
Atikrishna (very black coloured or complexion)
Atiloma (with excessive body hairs)
Aloma (absence of body hairs)
Atikrisha (excessive thin or emaciated persons)
Atisthula (obese or overweight)
Ayurveda further stated that Atisthula and Atikrisha persons are more despised among above eight despised persons. Charaka, the great ancient scholar of Ayurveda, stated that people who are Atisthula (overweight) are more liable to be at a health risk than those whose weight is at the normal or under normal range for their body types. They are more prone to chronic diseases like heart disorders, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure stroke, and a few types of cancers. It represents certain people who display low metabolism and water retention, thus finding it difficult to burn calories to maintain a healthy weight range. When a person consumes more calories than he burns up, then the excess calories get stored in the form of fat or adipose tissues, causing obesity.
The causes of Sthaulya Roga (obesity) are very clearly explained in Ayurveda. These are
Avyayama - Not exerting physically or lake of exercises
Divaaswapna - Sleeping in daytime (the afternoon)
Shleshmal Ahara Sevana - The diet, which cause an increase in the Kapha Dosha
Shleshma Vardhaka Vihara Sevana - Life styles, which cause an increase in the Kapha Dosha
Atisampurana Excessive intake of foods, which are difficult for digestion, such as consuming sweet, cold and unctuous food contents in excessive quantity, etc.
Avyavaya Not indulging in copulation
Harshanitya- Enjoying happiness always
Achintana Not thinking on anything or worriless, or not indulging in any mental exercises
Bijaswabhava Nature of the seeds i.e. spermatozoa and ovum at the time of fertilisation or due to heredity
Thus, by viewing above all the description regarding obesity, it can be concluded that the excessive accumulation of body fat or Meda is the main causative factor for obesity. Therefore it should be dealt in details.
Agni has very important role in the digestion and metabolism on the both levels i.e. Jatharagni (digestive fire) and Dhatwagni (fire at tissue level). In Sthaulya Roga there is Dhatwagni Mandya and Srotorodha (obstruction in the channels of adipose tissues) in Rasavaha and Medavaha Srotasa due to excessive intake of above etiological factors3, which leads to formation of Ama Dosha. This Srotorodha (obstruction in the channels) do not allow the nutritive part of the following Dhatus to make other Dhatu, except from the Meda, thus there is an increase in the Meda only except other Dhatu. Ultimately this gives rise to excessive accumulation of the fat in the body and thus obesity is produced.
Being obstruction in its movements due to Meda, Vata Dosha moves specially in the Koshtha (abdomen), stimulates the digestive fire dries up the food present there; so the person digests his food quickly and desires more of foods again. If there is delay in getting food, he develops many severe diseases, the cause behind this activity are increased Agni (digestive fire) and Vata Dosha specially, they burn up (destroy) the body quickly by giving rise to severe diseases just as the forest fire destroy the forest quickly. Because of excessive increase of Meda (fat/adipose tissues) and Mamsa (muscle tissues), there will be movement of the Sphik (buttocks), Udara (abdomen) and Stana (breasts); body growth is imbalanced and there is lake of enthusiasm. Thus a person is known as Atisthula (Obese or overweight).
According to Acharya Charaka, eight kinds of defects are common in obese persons, such as
Diminishen of life span: As stated earlier, in obese persons, fat tissue only gets nourished but not the other tissues; because of this, there will be diminishen of life span
Quick onset of senility: Body being loose, tender and heavy, fat obstructed the body channels, thus other tissues cannot get proper nutrition so there is occurrence of quick onset of senility
Difficulty in performing sex or copulation: Semen being less in quantity and channels of Shukra also being obstructed by the fat so there is difficulty in performing sex or copulation
Debility: Debility develops due to imbalance of the tissues
Bed smell in the body: Bad smell of the body is due to the nature of fat and more of the sweat is also by that
Trouble by more of sweat: Troubles due to more of sweat, are produced by fat combining with Shleshma, by increase of moisture inside the body, there is increased heaviness in the body and inability to withstand physical activities
Excessive hunger: Due to increase in the Vata Dosha and increased digestive power there is occurrence of excessive hunger
Profound thirst: Due to increase in the Vata Dosha and increased digestive power there is occurrence of excessive thirst
Thus it can be concluded that obesity is very dangerous condition as it helps to originate various killer disorders in those persons who are overweight, so it should be treat immediately. Management part regarding this burning problem will be described in our next issue.