
Five Main Rules of food intake

Food intake : Five main rules for proper food intake. 1.    Take timely meals in proper quantity, preferably freshly prepared and warm. 2.    Concentrate on food while eating and eat food at pace. Avoid watching television, talking or laughing during meal. 3.    Eat in relaxed condition, be seated. 4.    Don´t eat too slow or too fast. 5.    Avoid fasting and overeating.. Food is the main source of energy for life. It is regarded as the life maker. We needs energy for the proper growth  and development of the body, and the food we are taking will help for this. The food we take help us in different ways, as  it motive for the repairing mechanism of the damage tissues of the body. It is the material which is beneficial for the anabolic action. Related Articles : The food-Concept of Ayurveda : Viruddha Ahara (Incompatible Food ...

Myoma – An Ayurvedic Perspective

Myomas are most common problems in these days. Myomas are the most common tumors found in the genital tract and affect more than one in four pre-menopausal women. Although the majority of fibroids remain small and asymptomatic, one third grows considerably in size, can weigh over 10kg. Incidences of Myoma are not usually found in women under 30 years old. Uterine fibroids or Myoma are benign tumors that originate from the smooth muscle layer and accompanying connective tissue of the uterus. Most fibroids develop in an intramural location (within the muscular wall of the uterus), but some also develop on the outside or in the internal cavity of the uterus. Uterine Myoma being the one of most common benign tumors in women amongst all neoplasms is responsible for a large number of hysterectomies. Myoma is a disorder of Artava vaha srotas (menstrual channels) which occurs due to vitiation of Kapha dosha, Vata dosha and Rakta dhatu (Blood tissue). There can be Pitta displace...
Oral Health & Hygiene With Ayurveda Like commercial health and beauty products on the market, toothpaste has been industrialized over the years. Fluoride – free toothpastes are becoming more common because of its toxic effects though it is said to prevent caries. Not only fluoride, but other ingredients like titanium oxide, glycerin, sodium lauryl sulfate and artificial sweeteners can cause damage to the teeth. Also mouthwash can cause adverse effects. Global need for maintenance of oral health Oral diseases are one of the most important problems in public health and are on the rise in developing countries. Dental caries and periodontal diseases are among the most important global oral health problems. Also there is rise in incidence of oral cancer and other disorders. There is a global need for safe and effective alternative prevention and treatment. In Ayurveda, dental health is individualistic varying with each person’s Prakriti (Constitution). There are different tw...


HTML clipboard Does constipation hamper your routine??? Then friends this will definitely an interesting perspective for you to eliminate your problem…. What is Vibandha (Constipation)? “Constipation is the decrease in the frequency, size, consistency, and ease of bowel movement and the complaint depends upon the individual perception”. Inability to completely evacuate the bowels or passing very hard stools is known as Constipation or Vibandh in Ayurveda. How it is caused? Sedentary lifestyle, inadequate sleep or day sleep, long continuation of allopathic medication, junk foods, oily, spicy food, cold beverages and addictions. Some believe that addictions help them for easy movement of bowel so many have a bad habit of chewing tobacco, smoking before defecation which is wrong belief and i...

Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana

HTML clipboard Swarasa (Fruit juice) : Juice extracted from a fresh herb is called swarasa of that herb. The fresh herb is cleaned well, pounded and the resultant paste is rolled into a bolus, squeezed through a cloth and the expressed fresh juice is collected in a clean container. Fresh juice of herbs is easy to absorb and maximum effect is achieved in short period. Swarasa is used for internal use as medicine and in preparation of various pills. It is also used external in ophthalmic disorders. Dose of Swarasa for internal use is 20 - 40 ml. Eg. Fresh juice of Tulsi (Holy basil) can be prepared and administered internally along with honey in conditions of cold, cough and nasal congestion. Kalka (Paste) : A fresh drug or a dry drug is converted into a paste by rubbing it on a stone wit...

Manage stress with Ayurveda

HTML clipboard Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations and demands. For many people stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. Stress isn’t always bad. In small doses, it can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. But when you’re constantly running in emergency mode, your mind and body pay the price. 'Stress is the demand made upon the adaptive capacity of the mind and the body’. Stress has much delirious effect on body leading to many psycho-somatic disorders. Long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems. Ayurveda and stress According to Ayurveda, there are three sub-doshas that govern the mind. Prana vata is the sub-dosha of vata that governs the brain, sensory perception and the mind. Tarpaka ka...


HTML clipboard Summer is the season of Vata and Pitta. Heat abounds and we must help our bodies cope with the warmer weather. The sun takes away the strength of the people and the cooling qualities of the earth. It is the debilitating period. Here are some things you can do to adjust to the scorching days of summer. Summer Routine 1. This is the time of year to conserve your energy. Leisurely activities are best. 2. Keeping the body cool is recommended, as overheating can cause a Pitta imbalance, So take bath with normal water and anoint the body with sandal paste. 3. Rest and relaxation are in order. This is a great time for the typical “summer vacation”. 4. One can take a nap during the day since nights are shorter in summers. But nap is generally prohibited in other seasons, except in certain health conditions. 5.  Sleep for 7 – ...