HTML clipboard Summer is the season of Vata and Pitta. Heat abounds and we must help our bodies cope with the warmer weather. The sun takes away the strength of the people and the cooling qualities of the earth. It is the debilitating period. Here are some things you can do to adjust to the scorching days of summer. Summer Routine 1. This is the time of year to conserve your energy. Leisurely activities are best. 2. Keeping the body cool is recommended, as overheating can cause a Pitta imbalance, So take bath with normal water and anoint the body with sandal paste. 3. Rest and relaxation are in order. This is a great time for the typical “summer vacation”. 4. One can take a nap during the day since nights are shorter in summers. But nap is generally prohibited in other seasons, except in certain health conditions. 5. Sleep for 7 – ...