
Showing posts from 2014


HTML clipboard Does constipation hamper your routine??? Then friends this will definitely an interesting perspective for you to eliminate your problem…. What is Vibandha (Constipation)? “Constipation is the decrease in the frequency, size, consistency, and ease of bowel movement and the complaint depends upon the individual perception”. Inability to completely evacuate the bowels or passing very hard stools is known as Constipation or Vibandh in Ayurveda. How it is caused? Sedentary lifestyle, inadequate sleep or day sleep, long continuation of allopathic medication, junk foods, oily, spicy food, cold beverages and addictions. Some believe that addictions help them for easy movement of bowel so many have a bad habit of chewing tobacco, smoking before defecation which is wrong belief and i...

Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana

HTML clipboard Swarasa (Fruit juice) : Juice extracted from a fresh herb is called swarasa of that herb. The fresh herb is cleaned well, pounded and the resultant paste is rolled into a bolus, squeezed through a cloth and the expressed fresh juice is collected in a clean container. Fresh juice of herbs is easy to absorb and maximum effect is achieved in short period. Swarasa is used for internal use as medicine and in preparation of various pills. It is also used external in ophthalmic disorders. Dose of Swarasa for internal use is 20 - 40 ml. Eg. Fresh juice of Tulsi (Holy basil) can be prepared and administered internally along with honey in conditions of cold, cough and nasal congestion. Kalka (Paste) : A fresh drug or a dry drug is converted into a paste by rubbing it on a stone wit...

Manage stress with Ayurveda

HTML clipboard Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations and demands. For many people stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. Stress isn’t always bad. In small doses, it can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. But when you’re constantly running in emergency mode, your mind and body pay the price. 'Stress is the demand made upon the adaptive capacity of the mind and the body’. Stress has much delirious effect on body leading to many psycho-somatic disorders. Long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems. Ayurveda and stress According to Ayurveda, there are three sub-doshas that govern the mind. Prana vata is the sub-dosha of vata that governs the brain, sensory perception and the mind. Tarpaka ka...


HTML clipboard Summer is the season of Vata and Pitta. Heat abounds and we must help our bodies cope with the warmer weather. The sun takes away the strength of the people and the cooling qualities of the earth. It is the debilitating period. Here are some things you can do to adjust to the scorching days of summer. Summer Routine 1. This is the time of year to conserve your energy. Leisurely activities are best. 2. Keeping the body cool is recommended, as overheating can cause a Pitta imbalance, So take bath with normal water and anoint the body with sandal paste. 3. Rest and relaxation are in order. This is a great time for the typical “summer vacation”. 4. One can take a nap during the day since nights are shorter in summers. But nap is generally prohibited in other seasons, except in certain health conditions. 5.  Sleep for 7 – ...

Myths and Facts about Ayurveda

HTML clipboard 1. Ayurveda - a vegetarian therapy   Ayurveda is not totally vegetarian. Though medicinal plants and herbs are predominantly used for preparation of Ayurveda medicines, there are several preparations in which non-vegetarian ingredients are also used. For treatment of extreme exhaustion and emaciation, Ayurveda medicines, prepared with ‘Mamsarasa’- meat soup- as an ingredient, are prescribed. These are advised as the best medicines for strength, skin quality, immunity etc. Ayurveda does not insist that one has to follow strict vegetarianism. For people who are spiritually inclined, vegetarianism is recommended, as they are averse to killing of living beings. The concept of vegetarian diet did not exist in India in the ancient period. In Vedas and Puranas...

Understanding IBS

HTML clipboard Ayurveda works magically even in deadly diseases of this era. Often called Spastic Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is disorder of the small and large intestines causing chronic intermittent constipation or diarrhea often associated with varying degrees of abdominal pain. This origin of this condition is not well understood in the West and is very difficult to treat. Through ayurvedic eyes, the practitioner of Ayurveda comes to understand the nature of their patient multi dimensionally. Upon doing so, each patient with irritable bowel syndrome will present with a wide variety of imbalances on all three levels. This condition appears to occur most prevalently in those individuals with a Vata prakruti or vikruti. The severity of the condition is somewhat proportionate to the state of Ojas. When ojas is...

The Three Gunas : Sattva, Rajas & Tamas

HTML clipboard The three subtle basic components (tri gunas) of Sattva, Raja and Tamas are the very fabric of creation. Unknown to modern sciences, they permeate through all living and non-living, tangible and intangible things. The vibrations emitted by anything are dependent on its predominant subtle basic component. This also influences the behavior of all things.    Sattva stands for purity and knowledge and sattvic individual lives in service of society with no expectation of recognition or reward of any ulterior motive. Rajas stands for action and passion and Rajasic individuals live more for personal gain and achievement. Tamas stands for ignorance and inertia. Tamasic individual has no problem about stepping on other’s toes to get ahead or harming the society.    The gunas cannot be explained altoget...

Benefits of Ginger

HTML clipboard Ginger or Zingiber officinale (Latin), is a tasty, aromatic spice that has been a mainstay of Asian and Indian cuisine and traditional medicine for thousands of years. Today ginger’s popularity has spread across the globe and it is one of the world’s most widely used herbal treatments. Ginger has been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat nausea, stimulate appetite, fight body odor and promote perspiration. Ayurvedic medicine traditionally recommends ginger for the treatment of arthritis.     Ayurveda Energetic of Dry Ginger Rasa (Taste) – Katu (Bitter) Guna (Properties) – Laghu (Light), Snigdha (Unctuous) Virya (Potency) – Ushna (Hot) Vipaka (Taste at the end of digestion) – Madhura (Sweet) Dosha kar...

Healthy New Year

HTML clipboard Year after year we make resolutions to exercise regularly, eat well and give up smoking and other bad habits. Following such basic rules can cut heart disease risk by 80 percent, diabetes risk by 90 percent and cancer risk by 50 percent, according to the Harvard Nurses Health Study.   Getting healthy need not be overwhelming. Here are simple, straightforward ways to get on track toward optimum health in this New Year. Wake up at sunrise Regular exercise Eat 3 meals a day Drink sufficient water Reduce intake of refined, processed, junk food and try to take more of foods which are freshly prepared Sleep early and avoid staying awake lat...